Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Hi.  Welcome to The Vent Line.  As women, we all encounter certain ugly people or situations.  I was raised a lady, and was taught to hold my tongue.  Since I lost my mother, my sole confidante, I no longer have anyone to get it all out with. My mother always knew what to say, or when to get all up in arms for me about some thing that had happened. Sometimes I just feel the need to vent, with no where to go. Do you ever feel the need to vent about certain life happenings, and your Facebook has been taken hostage by the very people you need to vent about?  Ever encounter odd situations, and you just want to write a blog about it and because your whole family reads your blog, you can't?  Have those pesky older teenage kids, your husband's ex-wives, THAT Mother In Law, who make you crazy?  Have you ever run out of patience with your preschooler? Ever have anyone tell you that you are overreacting to an irritating situation, or say that you always get mad at so and so's negative comments, and then blow off the other person's ownership of the comments by saying "you know how she is!"?  I feel like sometimes I must watch everything I say in order not to offend someone. Ever just feel like venting? Well I do, and that, my dear readers, is what this blog is all about! Venting! Public, secret, soul cleansing, anonymous venting! It's my bubble, and the naysayers in my regular life cannot block my rainbows, rain on my parade, or negatively comment here! My free speech bubble! Feedback and fellow Vent Rants are welcome!  Down the line, I plan to have some guest -venters write for your enjoyoment as well! Happy Laughing!