Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Blogging Divas-Episode #1

Hello fellow Vent Liners! I have a surprise for you! I am starting a new installment series called Blogging Divas.  It is the blogging version of Real Housewives. Each installment will feature a warring, feuding, offended, bitchy, heated, blogging two or threesome duking it out on the web! The first one is a doozy!

A very opinionated blogger wrote a post that she felt very passionately and seemingly one sided about. We were lucky enough to stumble upon this jewel while surfing the web! Following is her post.
* Names have been blacked out to protect the , ahem, sinners*...we shall call Bloggy Diva #1-Holier Than Thou Heather...
* Photo by brucefong.wordpress.com* 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013
1st Time I heard about abortions was in a health occupation class I was in. The teacher who was a nurse explained to us how this procedure happened and all. Once she was done we were all in tears.
I havent ever had a child of my own before but I still have a heart. A beating heart inside of me and I have a mind also that tells me killing is wrong and abortions are wrong.
It's wrong on so many levels. There's a living soul inside of a person and you're gonna kill it. IT'S FUCKING WRONG.
I'm at a loss of words really that people want to make abortions legal and think it's ok to abort at week 20.
I looked up what happens at Week 20 and this is what I found.
(***Babycenter animated video of fetal development***)
Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — about the size of a banana. (For the first 20 weeks, when a baby's legs are curled up against his torso and hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of his head to his bottom — the "crown to rump" measurement. After 20 weeks, he's measured from head to toe.)
He's swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his digestive system. He's also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you'll see it in his first soiled diaper (some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery).

This is after 20 weeks but just the thought of someone killing a precious angel inside of the womb and just killing it period brings tears to my eyes.
How can women have abortions?
What goes thru their minds and thru their heads?
This is not the kind of people we want running our country by no means.
When the U.S. is for Abortion? When he's for killing a human being? A living thing inside of another living thing?
Hell he has a wife and a 2 daughters and he's for fucking abortion.
and he studders the whole time during the video that I watched where a preacher asked him about it.
How can so many people Support someone who's for Abortion?
You want something killed.
That's what you call people who believe in the Devil and dont believe in God.
Who live for the devil and not for God.
Who thinks the devil should rule the world and not GOD!
Holier Than Thou Heather*
                    *********************************************************************                                     Here is the response from Bloggy Diva #2-Holy Holly... 
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Dear Holier Than Thou Heather*:
I wasn't going to comment, but I can't really get this post off my mind. You've stated many times since I've been reading your blog that you are going to state your mind and only want friends who do the same. I hope you really meant that. Here are my personal thoughts on this post.
I can see why abortion is such a hard thing to understand. It's a horrible choice to have to make. I've been in the place to consider making this choice; I was a pregnant 16-year-old whose boyfriend insisted she get an abortion or go without his help. That's an agonizing place to be. Ultimately, I was lucky because my parents supported me and I had the luxury of making the "easy" decision to continue my pregnancy and become a mother.
At nearly the same time I was making that decision, a friend was making the other decision. The HARD one; the one where you don't really know if you'll regret it for the rest of your life or if you will be grateful that you had the option and access to a safe abortion. That decision she was making certainly wasn't an easy one, but it was hers to make. It wasn't mine to make, it wasn't yours to make and it certainly wasn't a stranger in Washington (or anywhere else) to make.
You ask "How can women have abortions?" and "What goes thru their minds and thru their heads?"  I think that women have abortions because it is the right (and sometimes only) decision in THEIR LIFE.  Some women make the choice because of their life circumstances, some because of their own health, some because of the health of the child they carry, some because of the circumstances under which they became pregnant, or the point in their lives when they became pregnant.
I don't really have an answer for your second question, but I'm saddened by the fact that you seem to believe that women who choose abortion have something wrong with them or are possessed by the devil.  I'm saddened that you seem to think that anyone, including our president, who supports abortion is possessed by the devil.
I support abortion.  I support a woman's right to choose for herself what is right for her, her body, and her health.  I do not believe that I, you, or anyone else has the right to restrict access to abortion if that is the decision a woman is making for herself.  It's not the choice I would make, but I don't believe that it's my place to make decisions for anyone other than myself.  I believe that even if abortion were outlawed it would continue to exist (as it always has) but would be more dangerous and more expensive.  I believe outlawing abortion will not save lives.  I do not believe abortion is about someone WANTING "something killed".
If you genuinely believe that by taking this stance I "live for the devil and not for God", I would hope that instead of calling for my murder and calling me an idiot that you would pray for me and pray for everyone who thinks like me.  I would hope that instead of thinking it's OK to call for the murder of anyone who thinks like me that you would pray to God to help you understand us.  I think that's what a true follower of Christ would do.  The Bible tells us to leave the judgment of fellow man to God.  Are you a follower of the Bible and of Christ?  The bible COMMANDS us to love one another as God has loved us.  Is that what you're doing here?
I hope that you will read my words and that they will soften your heart.  I do not desire to change your stance on abortion; I believe you have the right to believe it is wrong.  Just as I have the right to believe as I do.
With much love and respect,
Holy Holly*
 So dear readers, who do you agree with? Who won round #1? We are dying to hear your opinions! Please leave a comment with your thoughts...and stay tuned for Episode #2 Tomorrow, of Blogging Divas! As the saga continues....
*Photo by denimdevotion.wordpress.com*

Who won Round #1?

***All copyrighted works are properly attributed to their respective authors on http://www.mychillthoughts.com/ where you can read all about this battle in its entirety. ***


  1. It's like the Real Housewives of the Internet.

  2. Well, both got their feelings about it out but of course, holy holly handled the thought process and writing, much better. I feel the the first one was like reading a teenagers thoughts and the second was a women who's had a bit more time to think about it, and possibly a bit more experience. I think the first one sounds like it is looking for drama, even more so since abortion, our president and religion are all HUGE, controversial topics these days.

  3. Nominated your blog, check it out at http://www.imnohumdrum-mum.com/2013/07/minion-army-pulls-in-another-award.html

  4. A very interesting way to present a hot topic.

    Thank you for linking up with the Humor Me! Blog Hop!

  5. Daniel, I swear I am going to get to your award! Thank you so much! I will also get to the long ago awarded liebster!
